Minggu, 30 November 2008

The Analyse Farm Effort of Civet Coffee (Java Coffee Luwak Ijen)

Coffee represent one of the product which is very influence someone life style besides tea, almost all of coffee lover can feel and differentiate type coffee and feel coffee which with quality. Challenge to the fore tendency of market is existence emulation of product coffee so that affect at price sell which fluctuation. Garden strategy of Kayumas to overcome challenge and improve added value to coffee company that is creating product civet coffee more special with value sell very high.

Civet coffee is seed coffee result of dirt of fox animal or processed civet / ferment naturally, so that goal and aroma feel typical and delicious. Production civet coffee by the year of gyration 250 – 500 kg, at the price of civet coffee tendency of market gyrate USD 600/Lb or of Rp. 1.250.000,- /100 gram, equivalent with Rp. 12.500.0
In executing activity of analysis taken or population of sample among process civet coffee counted wet process bash can coffee is same volume, that is red glondong coffee 1418 Kg. Perception analysis with descriptive correlational method and data method as for result of analysis attained is that effort garden mongoose coffee at Kayumas very beneficial with sale value Rp. 414.000,- / Kg so that and advantage equal to Rp. 81.200.000,- compared to the effort arabica coffee only sale value Rp. 32.395 and earn advantage equal to Rp. 2.700.000,-.
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Jumat, 28 November 2008

Tumpangsari Ayam dengan Ikan

Beberapa ikan air tawar yang dapat dipelihara dengan ayam, atau longyam antara lain: lele, mas, nila gurami tawes, dll. Model pemeliharaan diversifikasi ini, bisa menimbulkan dampak yang fatal terhadap kelangsungan usahatani tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal. Pertama, kandang ayam tidak boleh menutupi seluruh permukaan kolam. Kandang seperti itu dapat menghalangi sinar matahari ke dalam air. Keadaan ini menyebabkan tidak terjadi fotosintesa dan suhu air menjadi rendah. Air yang bersuhu rendah bisa menjadi penyebab timbulnya penyakit.

Kedua, jarak antara permukaan air dengan dasar kandang minimal 50 cm. Jarak terlalu dekat bisa menyenbabkan kandang menjadi lembab. Keadaan ini tak baik untuk ayam, bisa menurunkan nafsu makan dan dapat menyebabkan timbulnya penyakit.
Ketiga, jumlah ayam dan ikan harus seimbang. Bila ayam terlalu banyak bisa menyebabkan kematian pada ikan, karena banyak kotoran ayam tidak bisa dimanfaatkan oleh ikan. Hal ini akan menyebabkan sisa-sisa pakan akan menjadi racun (toxid) bagi ikan. Untuk satu ekor ayam perlu diimbangi dengan 10 – 20 ekor ikan ukuran 5 – 8 cm.
Sistem longyam dapat memberikan beberapa keuntungan, diantaranya pakan tambahan ayam yang terbuang dapat dimanfaatkan langsung dimakan ikan. Dengan demikian akan dapat mengurangi biaya pakan tambahan ikan. Selain itu, kotoran ayam tidak menimbulkan bau yang tak sedap. Kotoran ayam bisa juga langsung dimakan oleh ikan, terutama yang sudah kering. Sedangkan sisa kotoran itu bisa menjadi pupuk yang secara kontinyu menyuburkan kolam. Hal ini karena kotoran ayam di dalam kolam merupakan dasar utama pertumbuhan phytoplankton dan bakteri, yang seterusnya menjadi penunjang utama kehidupan zooplankton. Dengan menggunakan cahaya sebagai sumber energi, phytoplankton dapat mengasimilasi bahan-bahan anorganik dan CO2 untuk menghasilkan oksigen yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh ikan.
Konstruksi Kolam
Pemeliharaan sistem longyam memerlukan konstruksi kolam yang kuat, mengingat kolam akan dijadikan dasar pancang tiang untuk kandang ayam. Ukuran kolam sangat fleksibel sesuai dengan keadaan. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembuatan kolam ini antara lain: aerasi lancar, kolam tidak tertutup/ sinar matahari dapat menembus kolam serta kedalaman kolam 75 sampai 100 cm.
Kandang Ayam
Kandang adalah salah satu kebutuhan penting dalam bisnis peternakan. Fungsi utama kandang adalah untuk menjaga supaya ternak tidak berkeliaran dan memudahkan pemantauan serta perawatan ternak. Terdapat banyak sekali jenis kandang, baik berdasarkan tipe maupun bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat kandang. Sistem longyam ini akan mengharuskan lantai kandang bersifat Slat, hal ini dimaksudkan agar kotoran ayam dapat langsung jatuh ke kolam. Bahan slat bisa terbuat dari reng bambu atau kayu, tergantung dari kekuatan dan keadaan serta keinginan peternak, dengan ukuran antar slat 1 cm. Arah kandang dibuat membujur dari timur ke barat atau sebaliknya. Tujuannya untuk mengurangi intensitas sinar matahari masuk ke dalam kandang.
Pada umumnya tipe ayam yang dipelihara adalah petelur (jenis ayam arab), akan tetapi tidak menutup kemungkinan ayam broiler/potong, juga bisa. Apabila ayam yang diusahakan bertipe petelur maka harus dikandangkan dengan sistem battery. Adapun ukuran kandang battery yaitu:
• Tinggi bagian depan : ± 37cm
• Tinggi bagian belakang : ± 30cm
• Lebar : ± 41cm
• Panjang : ada 2 pilihan
o 120 cm (8 ekor ayam) dengan berat 6 - 6,6 kg
o 200 cm (12 ekor ayam) dengan berat 9,5 - 10,5 kg
• Bahan : ada 2 pilihan
o Kawat besi Ø 3,0 - 3,3 mm (BWG 10)
o Kawat besi Ø 2,8 - 3,0 mm (BWG 12)
Skema perhitungan jumlah ayam dengan berat kandang battery
No Jumlah ayam (ekor) kandang dg
panjang 120cm (kg) Kandang dg
panjang 200cm (kg)
1 1000 850 850
2 2000 1650 1675
3 3000 2450 2500
4 4000 3275 3350
5 5000 4100 4175
6 6000 4900 5000
7 7000 5700 5850
8 8000 6500 6675
9 9000 7350 7500
10 10000 8125 8350
Pemberian Pakan
Kandungan gizi pakan yang dibutuhkan pada fase finisher (ayam masa bertelur) adalah: protein 18,1-21,2%; lemak 2,5%; serat kasar 4,5%; kalsium (Ca) 1%; Phospor (P) 0,7-0,9% dan energi (ME) 2900-3400 Kcal. Jumlah pakan per ekor rata-rata 161 gram/hari/ekor. Pemberian pakan dilaksanakan 2 kali sehari yaitu pada saat pagi dan sore hari. Pakan bisa berasal dari pakan jadi (buatan pabrik) atau peternak dapat menyusun sendiri dengan komposisi sebagai berikut: Bahan makanan hijauan terdiri dari (Daun lamtoro, alfalfa, dll).
Pemakaian bahan pakan sumber protein maximum 15 % karena mengandung zat anti nutrisi yaitu as amino mimosin. Bahan pakan sumber protrein dari nabati: bungkil kelapa, kedelai, bungkil kedelai, bungkil biji kapas, bungkil kacang, kacang hijau serta yang berasal dari hewani berupa: tepung ikan,tepung darah, MBM, tepung bulu, tepung ayam, tepung jerohan ayam. Bahan pakan sumber Mineral dan asam amino sintesis, antara lain Sumber Phosphor: Tri dimonocalsium phosphat dan tepung tulang serta bahan pakan yang mengandung asam amino adalah lysine dan methionine. Peternak yang ingin lebih berhemat dari penggunaan pakan maka harus menggunakan sumber pakan bahan asal lokal atau yang tersedia di sekitar bertempat.
Beberapa jenis ikan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk usahatani longyam, ikan lele, gurami, tawes, mujaher dll.

Pembesaran Ikan Lele
Padat tebar ikan lele pada usahatani longyam berkisar 100-450 ekor/m2, dengan ukuran 5-9 cm. Penebaran ikan dengan ukuran > 9 cm memungkinkan pengurangan mortalitas, mengingat kondisi kolam yang digabung dengan kandang ayam.
Pemberian pakan, makanan alami lele berupa Zooplankton, larva, cacing-cacing dan serangga air. Makanan yang berupa fitoplankton adalah Gomphonema spp (gol. Diatome), Anabaena spp (gol. Cyanophyta), Navicula spp (gol. Diatome), Ankistrodesmus spp (gol. Chlorophyta). Ikan lele juga menyukai makanan busuk yang berprotein, seperti kotoran yang berasal dari kakus.
Pemberian pakan tambahan bisa berupa sisa-sisa makanan keluarga, daun kubis, tulang ikan , tulang ayam yang dihancurkan, usus ayam dan bangkai. Selain itu juga dapat diberi campuran dedak dan ikan rucah (9:1) atau campuran bekatul, jagung, dan bekicot (2:1:1). Pemberian pakan tambahan maupun berupa pellet harus memperhatikan faktor efisiensi, karena ikan lele sudah memanfaatkan pakan yang tumpah dari pakan ayam, bahkan kotoran ayam (manure) masih mengandung protein 50 – 70%.

Pembesaran Ikan Gurami
Penebaran benih dilakukan 5 hari setelah pemupukan, dengan padat tebar dan tinggi air sesuai ukuran benih (lihat Tabel di bawah). Penebaran dilakukan pada pagi atau sore hari pada saat suhu udara rendah. Sebelum ditebar, dilakukan penyesuaian suhu air dalam wadah angkut dengan suhu air kolam (proses aklimitasi) dengan cara memasukkan air kolam sedikit demi sedikit secara perlahan ke dalam wadah angkut. Setelah terjadi penyesuaian suhu, wadah angkut dimasukkan ke dalam kolam. Air akan bercampur sedikit demi sedikit dan ikan-ikan akan keluar dan berenang ke tengah kolam.
Tabel Padat tebar benih, tinggi air dan jenis pakan
Tahap Tinggi Air Padat Tebar/M2 Jenis pakan
D1 30-40 cm 40-60 ekor Pakan alami (zooplanton), tubifex, tepung ikan atau pelet halus
D2 40-50 cm 30-40 ekor Tepung ikan, bungkil atau pelet remah
D3 50-60 cm 20-30 ekor Pelet remah/pelet kecil
D4 60-80 cm ?20 ekor Pelet atau daun-daunan (sente, talas, kajar)
D5 80-100 cm ? 20 ekor Pelet dan atau daun-daunan

Pemberian pakan
Selama masa pertumbuhannya ikan gurami mengalami perubahan tingkah laku makan (feeding habit) yang sangat signifikan. Larva bersifat karnivora (pemakan daging) sampai dengan ukuran dan umur tertentu, sedangkan juvenil muda bersifat omnivora (pemakan segala) dan setelah ukuran induk menjadi herbivora (pemakan daun). Pola perubahan tersebut terkait dengan pola perubahan enzimatik dalam saluran pencernaannya.
Adapun jenis pakan ikan gurami terdiri dari pakan alami (organik) berupa daun-daunan maupun pakan buatan (anorganik), berupa pelet. Pakan alami yang digunakan antara lain daun sente (Alocasia macrorrhiza (L), Schott), pepaya (Carica papaya Linn), keladi (Colocasia esculenta Schott), ketela pohon (Manihot utililissima Bohl), genjer (Limnocharis flava (L) Buch ), Kimpul (Xanthosoma violaceum Schott), Kangkung (Ipomea reptans Poin), Ubi jalar (Ipomea batatas Lamk), ketimun (Cucumis sativus L), labu (Curcubita moshata Duch en Poir), dadap (Erythrina sp).
Pada pola pemeliharaan dengan sistem longyam, dan lebih efisiensi biaya, maka pemberian pakan tambahan diberikan sekedarnya dan selebihnya hanya diharapkan dari tumpahan pakan ayam.

Bahan Bacaan
Anonymous, 2007. Kandang Ternak Ayam (Kandang Battery). www.anekaindustri.com.
Anonymous, 2007. Budidaya Ikan Lele www.villamutiaragading2.com

Usni Arie, 1997. Budidaya Ikan Air tawar. Main Center for Freshwater Aquaculture Development (MCFAD) Indonesia
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Selasa, 04 November 2008

Crime Organized

In the following is example of deception or crime organized. You and your family have to be protected from deception (phising) for this example. Originally goals pleased with the expectancy of a number of money. Later;Then you'd be ordered to deliver the delivery expense to party of is three as courier, with a view to fool the goals.

To be brooding are you have to check the letter number, original web appliance as well as on the part of third which is as its courier, hence you'd meet some of anomaly. To assure better you first of browser to crime organized. For example of model the deception pass the enamel of like in the following are:

Notification Letter
Tuesday, October 28, 2008 8:56 AM
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Email: pauldyeruk@hotmail.co.uk

Yours Truly,
Sir. Kevin Collins
Co-ordinator(Online Promo Programme).

Lottery Claim.Wednesday, October 29, 2008 5:21 PM
From: "Paul Dyer" View contact details To: hendri_wd@yahoo.comGood day to you,

I am in receipt of your email and would want to inform you that with respect to your reference number, you have been selected as a winner in this quarter of the UK National Lottery Online Sweepstakes Promotion in the second category.

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I await your swift response to the requested information to forge ahead with proceedings.
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Mr. Paul Dyer. +44 704 5710 977

From: "Paul Dyer"
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Hello Hendri Widotono,
Compliments of the day to you. Your claims have been duly verified and endorsed by the National Lottery Board (N.L.B) thus you have been confirmed a winner in this quarter of the UK National Lottery Online Sweepstakes Promotion. You have therefore been approved to receive a lump lottery payout sum to the tune of £480,000.00 (Four Hundred and Eighty Thousand Great Britain Pounds) in cash credited to your file (UXL/03920462943/07).
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Best regards,
Mr. Paul Dyer

Unit 63, Evens Business Center, Belgrave Street,
Bellshill Ind Est Bellshill, ML4 3NP.Hello Hendri Widotono,Welcome to Acorn Express Courier Ltd.We are pleased to inform you that authorisation has been received from our principal client (UK National Lottery Co.) to proceed with the disbursement of your lottery funds to you via preferred channel. You can now begin the final step of the claims process, which is the transference/remittance of your lottery prize to you. Our expertise in the disbursement of funds over the years cannot be over emphasized. All vital documents which include your winning certificate and a covering document (money laundering protection and letter of affidavit for claims) from the British government, stating that the money was obtained legally through the National Lottery will be sent to you as soon as you meet with any of the options selected.In this light, there are 2(two) options of remittance open to you. You are advised to select the more convenient of the two. The options, along with their associated conditions are detailed below;Option 1: Courier DeliveryThis involves the delivery of your certified bank cheque to you along with other vital document via a secure mailing system.24 HOURS DELIVERYMailing...............................................£75.00
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remember ! that any above this is mere lie
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Minggu, 02 November 2008

Soybean (Glycine max Merr.) Farm Management Feasibility as an Alternative Increase of Farmer Profit In East Java )*

Soybean is the important agricultural product for Indonesia people because its protein content. The domestic consumption of soybean tends to increase consistent with population growth. Meanwhile statistical data in last two decades show that its total productio tend to decrease, so that its total consumption cannot be achieved by its production himself. Beside, soybean is also needed as ration for livestosck. So that domestic demand of soybean tends to increase too in that last two decades.

Highly domestic soybean demand is hard relaying to its to its import. Increasing its production will decrease its import and its foreign exchange used. New technology used should be introduced to increase its production beside its farmer return.
Main objective of this study are: (1) to know production level and technology applied of farmer in the soybean farm management in the area study, (2) to know the feasibility of applying soybean farm management in the area study, and (3) to know factors affected to soybean production level in the area study.
This study carried out in East Java decided as study area focused on eight residences as the soybean production centre. Then two residences, i.e., Banyuwangi and Jember, decided as sample study area data collected from sample farmer use multi stage cluster sampling method.
Result of this study show that: (1) most farmers (96 percent) do not apply technology introducing to soybean farm management, (2) efficiency of soybean farm management is low relative based on it R/C ratio of 1.09, and (3) factors significantly affected to soybean production are land area, labor, fertilizer, and technology.

)* by Hendri Widotono, S.Pt.,MP. and Ir. M. Zainul Arifin, MP
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Sabtu, 01 November 2008

Analysis of The Competitiveness of The Madurese Tobacco in Sumenep Regency )*

The opportunity of agribusiness product especially tobacco is sufficiently open. Therefore, the highly competitiveness exist in its world market. In this situation, the successfully of tobacco agribusiness will be depend on its competitiveness. The competitiveness of the commodity can be determined by its comparative advantages and competitive advantages.

The main purpose of this research are (1) To analyze the profitability of Madurese tobacco on rice land, a dry land, and a mountain land, (2) To analyze the competitiveness of commodity based on its comparative advantages and competitive advantages, (3) To examine the impact of the government’s policy to the tobacco farming in Madura, and (4) To examine the competitiveness of commodity with respect to the price change of its production input.
The research is carried out in Sumenep regency as the centra of tobacco farming in Madura where its productivity trend to increase. Stratified Cluster Sampling has been used to determine the sample farmers. Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) has been used to analyze the sample data.
Result of the analyzes shows that Madurese tobacco farming have private profit, i.e., Rp. 1,471,271.96, Rp. 1,782,294.67, and Rp. 6,795,065.63 per hectare mountain land, dry land and irrigated rice land respectively. But social profit only have been obtained by tobacco farming on dry land and irrigated rice land, i.e., Rp. 713,791.95 and Rp. 10,730,281.65 per hectare respectively. Tobacco farming on mountain land has negative social profit Rp. 513,923.49 per hectare. Turthermore, the comparative advantages of commodity produced from tobacco farming on dry land and irrigated rice land have been shown by its DRC of 0,9621 and 0,4684 respectively. Besides, its PCR are 0,9276 and 0,6308 respectively shows competitive advantages. Tobacco farming on mountain land has been shown by its DRC and PCR of 1,0290 and 0,6308 respectively. The government’s policy of input and output prices have positive impact for the tobacco farming on mountain land and the dry land, but it does not on irrigated rice land. Its competitiveness increase with respect to 5 % decrease of tradable input price and decrease with respect to 10 % and 30 % increase of tradable input price. The competitiveness of the commodity decrease with respect to 40 % increase of urea price. Likewise the increasing of tax is about 20 % cause increasing of its competitiveness.
)* Ika Fatmawati Pramasari, SP
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An Analysis of Financial Aspects and Factors Affecting Feedlot Industry Which Uses Fattened Beef Cattle System In The Bondowoso Regency )*

A successful operation of feedlot industry which is based on the fattened beef cattle (kereman) system is influenced by several factors. Therefore, the objective of this research is to identify the followings. (a) the feasibility of the feedlot industry using the fattened beef cattle system in terms of financial aspect, (b) a number of factors that affect the feedlot industry using the fattened beef cattle system; (c) the business trend of the feedlot industry for the last fifteen years; and (d) the sensitivity of cost structure in the feedlot industry.

In this research, sample is obtained by means of the Proportionate Stratified Multiple Stage Cluster Sampling method (Husein, 2001), that is (a) to select one village from the total population of village in the Bondowoso regency, (b) to select one hamlet/citizens association (RW) from the chosen village, (c) to determine the number of cattle raiser family respondent from the chosen hamlet Sample -1 and -2 are taken by using random sampling method, whereas sample -3 is obtained by means of Sampling Fraction per stratum method. The number of cattle raiser in the sub-district of Bondowoso is 214, and it is estimated that the number of the cattle raiser of the natural mating type is. 60% (128 raisers) and the number of the cattle raisers of the artificial insemination one is 40% (86 raisers). The required total sample is 70 cattle raisers, comprising local raisers amounting to 42 and raisers of the artificial insemination type amounting to 28.
In line with the results of the research and discussion, the conclusions are as follows: a). The feedlot industry which uses the fattened beef cattle system of both the artificial insemination and the natural mating variety is worth running/feasible. b) The change of breeding-stock price of the natural mating type is the most dominant factor affecting the feasibility of the feedlot industry. c). Several factors that influence the feedlot industry using the fattened beef cattle system include the age of cattle raiser, number of the raiser's family member, breeding stock, medicines, cattle feed, and labor cost. d). The production trend of fattened beef cattle during the last five years is increasing. e). The feedlot industry in the research area shows a high degree of feasibility, so that it is necessary for the government to improve the raisers' welfare by providing soft loan that will enable the raisers to develop their cattle raising. This is basically due to the fact that the existing cattle raising is self -financing (through commercial credit based). f) in order to maintain the stability of selling price of the beef cattle at the level of agricultural enterprise, it is suggested that the Local Government prohibit both legal and illegal import of beef. g). It is suggested that beef cattle raisers replace the feedlot industry of the natural mating type with the artificial insemination in view of its higher profit.

)* By: Hendri Widotono, S.Pt.,MP and drh. Didik Suhermanto, MP

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The Impact of National Rice Policy on Rice Sufficiency and the Welfare of Consumer and Paddy Farmer )*

This research was a study of attitude of rice supply and demand under specific rice policy. The aim of the research are: (a) knowing the impact of national rice policy on rice sufficiency in 2020; (b) knowing the impact of national rice policy on surplus of consumer in 2020; (c) knowing the impact of national rice policy on surplus of paddy farmer in 2020; and (d) making the best alternative national rice policy for rice sufficiency and the welfare of consumer and paddy farmer in 2020.

Research covered national scale, using secondary time series data between 1970 - 2004. Method of research was descriptive and analitic. Method of analysis is Two Stage Least Square (2-SLS) by using Statistical Analysis System (SAS ) program as a software.
Result of the research shows that in 2020, if there were no changes on rice policy, Indonesia will be: (a) turn to deficit of sufficiency 171,120 ton . Policy which could overcome the deficit of sufficiency are widening harvesting area at least 10% or increasing land productivity will at least 4,9 ton/ha. Price of rice and rough rice will decreasing in 2020, so it increase surplus of consumer Rp 8.410,001,230 but decrease surplus of paddy farmer is Rp 1,419,042,764.
Rice policy winch cause the worst impact to paddy farmer is wiping out floor price and tariff in the same time with increasing harvesting area, productivity and fertilizer price because the price of rice and rough rice will be fall deeply as a simultaneous impact of increasing domestic production and import.
The best alternative national rice policy for rice sufficiency and the welfare of consumer and paddy farmer is widening harvesting area 10% and increasing land productivity to 5 ton/ha, fertilizer price 10% , floor price 12 % and specific tariff 15%. The impact of this policy are: (a) surplus of sufficiency 1,368,681 ton, it is enough for reducing import dependency ratio; (b) increasing surplus of consumer Rp 412,053,296; and (c) decreasing surplus of paddy farmer Rp 56,883,216.

)*By: Ir.Henik Prayuginingsih, MP and Hendri Widotono, S.Pt.,MP

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